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Grading Rubric

August 18, 2014


Dear Parents/Guardians,


Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year. Attached to this letter you will find a copy of the grading system for Physical Education for students in grades 3-8.  


The system is in rubric form.  There are seven categories listed in the first column.  Students will be graded on all seven categories for each grading period.  The students have the opportunity to earn 4, 3, 2 or 1 points in each of the categories.  You will notice that there is a description of what needs to be observed, completed or achieved in order for a student to reach a certain point level. Following the rubric, there is an additional page that provides the definitions of the terms listed in the rubric.  At the end of each grading period, I will assign a point value for each category based on observations, assessments and achievements.  I will total up the points, convert the total to a letter grade for report card purposes using the point value conversion listed below the rubric term definitions and place the letter grade into your child’s report card.  Also, on the second sheet, you will find a place for you and your child to sign acknowledging that you have received and read the rubric. Please tear off the signature part and have your child return that part to class.  Please keep the rubric for your information to refer to throughout the year.


My hope is that this information will provide the students with the specific criteria in order to be successful in Physical Education class.  This information will also be listed on the school website under the PE webpage which can be found on the faculty & staff page. In addition, it will be presented in class to each of your students.  If you have any questions, please contact me by phone 847-438-6103 or by email at







Jill Ede

Physical Education Teacher, Grades 3-8

Click on the button below for a printable version of the grading rubric. 

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